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Firesong Madrigals
This concert explores the connections between the Renaissance and the modern era. Morten Lauridsen’s Madrigali employ Renaissance texts to new sonorities. Renaissance masters Claudio Monteverdi and Nicolas Gombert have been inspirations to current composers like Lauridsen and Cascadian’s own Artistic Director, Gary D. Cannon. And a new work by Cascadian singer Tara O’Brien Pride reminds us that there is always room for levity in choral music.

Claudio Monteverdi: Se per havervi, oime
Nicolas Gombert: Lugebat David Absalon
Gary D. Cannon: O Absalon
Maurice Duruflé: Ubi caritas
Tara O’Brien Pride: Free toes [premiere]
Morten Lauridsen: Madrigali: Six Fire Songs
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